segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

Awesome! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

>> <<

Awesome! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

>> <<

domingo, 15 de julho de 2012

domingo, 11 de março de 2012

this is the code, is just copy that to your notepad and save it as .bat
play and enjoy

@echo off
title **password cmd game 1.0**
color 03
echo                   ##         ##         ##         ##
echo                  ####       ####       ####       ####
echo                 ##  ##     ##  ##     ##  ##     ##  ##
echo                ## :D ##   ## :D ##   ## :D ##   ## :D ##
echo               ******************************************
echo              **                                        **
echo             **   hey this little program will ask you   **
echo            **   for 8 passwords (commands that I do),    **      
echo           **    I will give you the first password:       **
echo            **   It's: "users"                            **
echo             **   now you find the other 7 passwords     **
echo              **                                        **
echo               ******************************************
echo                **              By: Djjark            **
echo                 **************************************
set /p helpyn="º    press 1 to play    º    press 2 for instructions    º
if /i "%HelpYN%"=="2" (
echo          ###############  INSTRUCTIONS  #################
echo          # Hey, this program will theach you some       #
echo          #  commands in command prompt.                 #
echo          # This is a very basic program/game, you need  #
echo          #  to put passwords in the password's space,   #
echo          #  the passwords are the commands, but not in  #
echo          #  it's original form.                         #
echo          # When the program/game start's I give you the #
echo          #  first password and you will need to find the#
echo          #  other passwords. In the end I give you the  #
echo          #  solutions, when you pass all the game.      #
echo          ################################################

@echo off
echo ***********************************************
echo hint 1: hey, i only give you the first password
echo         the rest you discover
echo         the pass is "users" fo the command
echo         net user
echo                   good luck!!
echo ***********************************************
Set input=
set /p input=1º Password:
if %input%==users goto YES1
if not %input%==users goto NO1
net user
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                          ************************
echo                           you have just discover
echo                          !! the first password !!
echo                          ************************
echo *************************************************
echo hint 2: this password is for open folders (dir's)
echo                    good luck!!
echo *************************************************
goto :Password2
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password1

Set input=
set /p input=2º Password:
if %input%==folder goto YES2
if not %input%==folders goto NO2
echo                           ***********************
echo                           !!! congratulations !!!
echo                           ***********************
echo                          *************************
echo                            you have just discover
echo                          !! the second password !!
echo                          *************************
echo *********************************************
echo hint 3: this password is for get all commands
echo         in cmd, but it isn't "help".
echo                   good luck!!
echo *********************************************
goto :password3
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password2

Set input=
set /p input=3º Password:
if %input%==commands goto YES3
if not %input%==commands goto NO3
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                          ************************
echo                           you have just discover
echo                          !! the third password !!
echo                          ************************
echo ******************************************
echo hint 4: this is a bit hard password.
echo         is dir + tree
echo                   good luck!!
echo ******************************************
goto :password4
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password3

Set input=
set /p input=4º Password:
if %input%==dirtree goto YES4
if not %input%==dirtree goto NO4
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                         *************************
echo                          you have just discover
echo                         !! the fourth password !!
echo                         *************************
echo ******************************************
echo hint 5: this password is to see the task
echo         manager in cmd
echo                   good luck!!
echo ******************************************
goto :password5
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password4

Set input=
set /p input=5º Password:
if %input%==task goto YES5
if not %input%==task goto NO5
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                          ************************
echo                           you have just discover
echo                          !! the fifth password !!
echo                          ************************
echo ***************************************
echo hint 6: This is a really easy password.
echo         It's for add a new color to cmd
echo         the colors are blue and white
echo         the password for the colors are
echo         in numbers (ex: color25-purple
echo         and green).
echo                good luck!!
echo ***************************************
goto :password6
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password5

Set input=
set /p input=6º Password:
if %input%==color17 goto YES6
if not %input%==color17 goto NO6
color 17
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                          ************************
echo                           you have just discover
echo                          !! the sixth password !!
echo                          ************************
echo ***********************************************
echo hint 7: this password is for command "net stat"
echo         but isn't "net stat"
echo                good luck!!
echo ***********************************************
goto :password7
pause >nul
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password6

Set input=
set /p input=7º Password:
if %input%==stats goto YES7
if not %input%==stats goto NO7
net stat
echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                         **************************
echo                           you have just discover
echo                         !! the seventh password !!
echo                         **************************
echo **************************************
echo hint 8: this password is for clean the
echo         command prompt window, but it
echo         isn't "cls".
echo                good luck!!
echo **************************************
pause >nul
goto :password8

echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
pause >nul
goto :password7

Set input=
set /p input=8º Password:
if %input%==clean goto YES8
if not %input%==clean goto NO8
echo *************************************************
echo hint 8: this password do the same thing as "cls"
echo                    good luck!!
echo *************************************************
goto :end0
echo incorrect passoword
echo try again :D
goto :password8

echo                          ***********************
echo                          !!! congratulations !!!
echo                          ***********************
echo                           *********************
echo                           !!! you have just !!!
echo                           !! passed the game !!
echo                           *********************
goto :end2
echo                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
echo                      @ ****************************** @
echo                      @ thanks for trying this program @
echo                      @                                @
echo                      @ bye bye             By: Djjark @
echo                      @ ****************************** @
echo                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
goto :end2

echo                                        @@@@@
echo                                      @@     @@
echo                                    @@   @@@  @@
echo                                  @@@    @@@   @@@
echo                                @@    @@@@@@@@@   @@
echo                          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
echo                                @@   "O"     "O"  @@
echo                                  @@             @@
echo                                  @@             @@
echo                                   @@  @     @  @@
echo                                    @@  @   @  @@
echo                                     @@  @@@  @@
echo                                       @@    @@
echo                                         @@@@
goto :end3

echo                         #####--solutions--#####
echo                         #      1- users       #
echo                         #      2- folders     #
echo                         #      3- commands    #
echo                         #      4- dirtree     #
echo                         #      5- task        #
echo                         #      6- color17     #
echo                         #      7- stats       #
echo                         #      8- clean       #
echo                         #######################

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

1º game

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (abbreviated as Call of Duty: MW3) is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games, with Raven Software having assisted in development. It is the third installment in the Modern Warfare series, a direct sequel to 2009's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the eighth Call of Duty installment.

Download (click here)

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

2º game

The next chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga arrives from the makers of the 2006 and 2008 Games of the Year, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.

Download (click here)

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

Battlefield 3

3º game

Battlefield 3 leaps ahead of its time with the power of Frostbite 2, the next instalment of DICE's cutting-edge game engine. This state-of-the-art technology is the foundation on which Battlefield 3 is built, delivering enhanced visual quality, a grand sense of scale, massive destruction, dynamic audio and incredibly lifelike character animations.

Download (click here)


4º game

Brink is an immersive first-person shooter that blends single-player,
co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character whether playing alone, with your friends, or against others online. You decide the combat role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind s last refuge. Brink offers a compelling mix of dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system that will keep you coming back for more.

Download (click here)


5º game

AGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after an asteroid impacts Earth, leaving a ravaged world behind. You emerge into this vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself against such forces as bandit gangs mutants, and the Authority - an oppressive government regime that has a special interest in you in particular.

Download (click here)

Deux Ex: Human Revolution

6º game
That being said, Deux Ex: Human Revolution is an enjoyable experience that in this case may work better as art than it does as a game. And I’ll always find room in my heart for a game that strives for more, even if its reach ultimately exceeds its grasp.

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011


7º game

Kill with Skill. Incredible New "Skillshot" System - Every enemy presents a new opportunity for stylish, over-the-top and ever increasingly bloody ways to take them down. The Circle of Awesome - Kill with Skill to rack up the points. Cash in these points for upgrades. Use these upgrades to pull off crazier "skillshots" and earn even more points. Badass Weaponry - From the player's trusty Peace Maker Carbine to the explosive Flail Gun, Bulletstorm delivers an arsenal of the most inventive, death-dealing weapons ever seen.

Download (click here)

F.E.A.R. 3


8º game

Blood Runs Deep, F.E.A.R. Runs Deeper: F.E.A.R. 3 delivers all the hallmarks that define the F.E.A.R. brand: terrifying paranormal experience, frenetic combat and a dramatic storyline. Frenetic Combat: Active 360 degree cover, evolutionary slow-mo modes, scoring systems and best in class mech- combat aid players in facing an army of soldiers and paranormal enemies.

Download (click here)

Section 8 Prejudice


9º game

On the battlefield, prejudice takes many forms, knows no boundaries,
and drives all conflict. In the distant future, humanity will call on
its most fearless defenders to confront an emerging threat determined
to eradicate all human life as we know it. Section 8: Prejudice is a
sci-fi first-person shooter with dynamic combat, where every decision -
from customizing equipment to activating team based objectives -
drastically impacts the battlefield.

Download (click here)

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Dragon Age 2

10º game

Dragon Age II is a single player role-playing game (RPG) for play on the PC Epic sequel to the BioWare developed 2009 Game of the Year, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age II continues the adventure with a new hero, Hawke, and utilizes the choices made by the player to affect a story that spans ten years worth of time in-game.
                                                        Download (click here)

quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

FIFA 2012


1º game

Winner of 20 Best Sports Game of E3 awards, including the prestigious E3 Game Critics award, FIFA 12 brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine, a physics engine built to deliver real-world physicality in every interaction on the pitch.

Download (click here)

PES 2012

2º game

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (abbreviated to PES 2012 and known officially as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2012 in Asia) is the eleventh edition in the Pro Evolution Soccer series developed and published by Konami with production assistance from the Blue Sky Team. Lionel Messi, who has been the cover star for the series since PES 2009, will be replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo.

 Download (click here)

FIFA 2011

games Download – Jogo FiFA 2011 – RELOADED PC (2010)

3º game

FIFA 12 brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine, a physics engine built to deliver real-world physicality in every interaction on the pitch. Revolutionary gameplay innovations inspired by the real-world of soccer make FIFA Soccer 12 deeper and more engaging.

Download (click here)

PES 2011

 4º game

ITV's Jim Beglin has been implemented as new co-commentator to Jon Champion for PES 2011. A demo of PES 2011 was released for PC and PS3 on 15 September 2010. The demo allowed users to play ten minute games with four teams available: FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich or Copa Libertadores pair Chivas de Guadalajara and SC Internacional.

Download (click here)

Football Manager 2012

5º game

Counting over 800 new features, not including changes to the rules of the games 50+ leagues, Football Manager 2012 promises to be the most realistic, immersive and playable football management simulation ever for any fan who has ever dreamed of making the big decisions, both on and off the field.

Download (click here)

Football Manager 2011

6º game

Contract Negotiations - making its debut in Football Manager 2011 is a new
live contract negotiation system, with a host of new contract clauses. Learn
to deal with different types of agents as you try to secure your next big
signing. Re-vamped training system - including more basic training schedules and individual training focus where players can be in trained in 14 different skill areas.

Download (click here)

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011


Top 10 Best Racing Games

Need for Speed: The Run

1º game

It\'s called The Run. An illicit, high-stakes race across the country. The
only way to get your life back is to be the first from San Francisco to New
York. No speed limits. No rules. No allies. All you have are your driving
skills and sheer determination as you battle hundreds of the world\'s most
notorious drivers on the country\'s most dangerous roads.

Download (click here)

Driver San Francisco

2º game

With crime lord Charles Jericho now on the loose, San Francisco faces a terrible threat. Only one man can stand against him. He has driven the streets of a hundred cities and spent his whole life putting criminals behind bars. But to take Jericho down, there can be no turning back, and he knows that this may very well be his last ride. His name is John Tanner. He is the DRIVER.

Download (click here)

Test Drive Unlimited 2

3º game

Test Drive Unlimited 2 transforms the driving genre, adding the
persistency, progression and customization of the latest multiplayer
games to the auto racing experience. Test Drive Unlimited 2 blends
single player and multiplayer experiences seamlessly, creating a
dynamic world of evolving content and challenges.

Download (click here)


4º game

Blur is an arcade racing video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Activision in North America and Europe. It features a racing style that incorporates real world cars and locales with arcade style handling and vehicular combat.

Download (click here)

Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition

5º game

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition is a racing game, developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games, and is the third game in the Midnight Club series. Like previous installments in the series, the game is an arcade-style racer and focuses on wild, high-speed racing, rather than realistic physics and driving characteristics.

Download (click here)

Download (click here)

Need for Speed HOT PURSUIT

6º game

Need for Speed is going back to its roots and that can mean only one thing
police chases and ridiculously expensive supercars. Hot Pursuit doesn't make any claims to be the most realistic racer out there, even compared to
previous games, but it does aim to be the most fun

Download (click here)

Dirt 3

DiRT 3 Boxshot
7º game

DiRT 3 will boast more cars, more locations, more routes and more
events than any other game in the series, including over 50 rally cars
representing the very best from five decades of the sport. With more
than double the track content of 2009's hit, DiRT 3 will see players
start at the top as a professional driver, with a top-flight career in
competitive off-road racing complimented by the opportunity to express
themselves in Gymkhana-style showpiece driving events.

Download (click here)

F1 2011

F1 2011 Boxshot

8º game

F1 2011. is the sequel to the BAFTA winning FORMULA ONE. videogame from Codemastersr, the developer and publisher of award-winning racing games Developed under Codemasters. e1clusive worldwide agreement with Formula One World Championship Limited, F1 2011 will come complete with all the official drivers, teams and circuits featuring in the 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP

Download (click here)

Split Second Velocity

 9º game

Split/Second is an intense action racing game set within a reality television show. Competitors will vie to be the first to the finish line in a
made-for-TV city set rigged to blow with the ultimate goal of becoming the season champion. Players in Split/Second don't just collide with other
vehicles to knock them from the track, but can also trigger devastating
events that drastically alter the dynamics of the race. Players must use
pinpoint timing to obliterate huge structures and towering TV set pieces
to tactically alter the track or create entirely new routes.

Download (click here)